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5 Questions to Kevin Piepke

5 Fragen an Kevin Piepke


Working only to earn money was yesterday. Today, working to find personal fulfillment is the more important goal. How would it be if you could go to work every day and feel a real sense of accomplishment? What if your job fulfilled you completely, and even made you really happy? That’s exactly what happens when you align your personal life goals the “big five” with your work, just like Kevin Piepke, International Customer Support at Traxpay.

Why do you work at Traxpay?

I work at Traxpay because CEO Markus Rupprecht was a regular guest at my hotel (my previous employer) and approached me at the time that I would fit well into his corporate culture. I was then happy to take the plunge and joined Traxpay. After a steep learning curve, I then fully arrived at Traxpay. And today I can say that Markus was one hundred percent right. I fit in very well with the Traxpayers. It’s just so much fun for me and I can now sell the product very well. The team is great and I feel very comfortable.

Does your job make you really happy?

My job makes me really happy because for me it starts with the team. The Traxpay team in general is great, and the onboarding team I’m part of in particular is wonderful. We are all different characters and have different strengths. Nevertheless, we get along well and as a team we just always have fun doing things together. That’s motivated pulling together. I can also apply the strengths I learned in the hotel industry – customer service and customer activation – to my job. In my free time I am a DJ – and therefore bring my natural personal strengths in the field of audio & video and creativity as well as the right sound.

How important is customer support for you?

The topic of customer orientation is extremely important to me. Customers are always the “king” for me. I’m not the blatant sales type. I’m more the kind of person who likes to take care of customers – a “caretaker,” in other words. That also means to listen to criticism and try to accept it and help the customer. I like communicating with people.

What is at the top of your agenda?

Of course Taking Care! Going the extra mile with our suppliers, identifying opportunities and finding out what the suppliers need. Staying authentic and staying “me. I grew up with my mother and she simply passed this care gene on to me.

What would you do differently in your professional life today?

I wouldn’t do anything differently. I’m the go-with-the-flow type that carried me to Traxpay, where I’m extremely happy. You have to recognize opportunities and seize them when they are there

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Portrait Sibel Kücükcolak | Traxpay
  • Sibel Kücükcolak
  • Sales Executive
  • +49 69 597 721 535
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