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5 Questions to Jana Knoke

5 Questions to Jana Knoke

Why do you work at Traxpay?

Coming from the hotel industry, I had to reorient myself professionally during the Corona pandemic and dared to take the step into a completely new industry. That’s how I ended up at Traxpay. New industry, new challenge. At first, Traxpay was only supposed to be a temporary solution. Over time, the team grew on me and I enjoyed the new tasks more and more every day. When I took on the tasks of an HR assistant in addition to my work as an executive management assistant, I finally arrived at Traxpay.

Does your job make you really happy?

Yes, the job makes me really happy. It’s fun to take over the organizational tasks of the management and to help my colleagues with their (daily) challenges so that everyone is satisfied and happy. For me, being happy at work also means creating a good work-life balance. At Traxpay, this balance is achieved very well, thanks to flexible working hours and a lot of autonomy in assigning work & processing tasks.

How important is diversity to you?

Even before, I enjoyed working in an international team and with different cultures. I also really appreciate the fact that Traxpay has so many women in management positions. This is an important topic that should be pushed further in companies in the future! Also, dealing with different generations at Traxpay is exactly the way progressive companies should go in the future.  The “young” contribute innovations and zeitgeist, the “young at heart” plenty of experience.

What is at the top of your agenda?

Our most important goal in the HR team is to bring the employees back together as a TEAM after the long home office period! Baking waffles in the office, a joint spring clean, office sports or participation in the JP Morgan run – with these and other leisure get-togethers we promote our team building.

What would you do differently in your professional life today?

Difficult – with my ten years of professional experience, I still count myself among the youngsters. As a career changer at Traxpay, a completely new industry and new perspectives were opened up to me. That’s why I probably wouldn’t do anything differently – the way my professional life has developed so far was exactly right!

Any questions?

Portrait Sibel Kücükcolak | Traxpay
  • Sibel Kücükcolak
  • Sales Executive
  • +49 69 597 721 535
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