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Forum Firmen­kunden­betreuer

Forum Firmen­kunden­betreuer

4. February 2021

During the event, the results of the FINANCE Think Tank’s “Survey Firmenkundenbetreuer” were presented and current market developments were discussed. Traxpay was a co-organizer of the forum.


The job market for “Firmenkundenbetreuer” – current observations and alternatives

Andreas Jäger, Partner, Heidrick & Struggles

Why “Firmenkundenbetreuer” should love debt funds

Dr. Daniel Heine, Managing Director, Patrimonium

Needle eye “Firmenkundenbetreuer”: How do partnerships with fintechs succeed?

Markus Rupprecht, CEO, Traxpay

Michael Dietz, Global Head of Trade Finance Flow, Deutsche Bank


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Any questions?

Portrait Sibel Kücükcolak | Traxpay
  • Sibel Kücükcolak
  • Sales Executive
  • +49 69 597 721 535
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